Performance Art Project 06 2023 – 10 2024

Performances in Wiener Bezirken – Herbst 2023

Wir erforschen das In-Kontakt-treten und den daraus abgeleiteten Kontrakt. Dafür haben wir partizipative Performances in unterschiedlichen sozialen und kulturellen Kontexten in mehreren Bezirken Wiens umgesetzt. Im 8., 16., 21., und 22. Bezirk Wiens haben wir Plätze aufgesucht und uns mit deren Besonderheiten auseinander gesetzt. Wir arbeiten mit Gesten- und Bewegungsmaterial aus erfolgter Recherche und aus der Interaktion an den öffentlichen Orten mit Publikum/Passant*innen, Instant Composition, Audioaufnahmen, Fotografie und Video. Die Ergebnisse werden in den nächsten Monaten künstlerisch aufgearbeitet und präsentiert.

Parallel Vienna – 09 2023

Wir erforschen bewegte und bewegende Begegnungen in unserem Video und verknüpfen es mit einer Liste von Namen internationaler Heldinnen des 21. Jhdt. Sie kommen aus der Klimabewegung oder politisch-sozialen Bewegungen und haben verstanden, dass wir für die Lösung unserer gesellschaftlichen und klimabedingten Herausforderungen einen neuen Kont/r/akt benötigen.

Postkarte und Video im Loop

Back to Athens 10 – July 2023

Goldfuß unlimited – Anne Mégier, Johanna Tatzgern, Katja Teuchmann
Sound: Martin Kratochwil, Julian Siffert
Video 3,46 min in Loop
Performance Friday 30.7., Saturday 1.07. at 7pm / 20 min

As part of the International Art Meeting we showed a video installation with audio from our collaborative works on Moving Cont/r/acts. The video was shown in a room as a stand alone piece of art. Additionally, it acted as the thematic background framing our Performance. In the Performance we did process the images and materials resulting from our movement research.

Our approach

We explore entering into contact and the contract derived from it. We want to question and trace forms of expression in our encounters. We choose different settings and explore the impact of rooms on our movements. We take up images, proven knowledge, verbal and non-verbal aspects of encounters and integrate them in our movement and material research. We establish our movement research as an open process. In different inter(cultural) contexts, we want to get in contact through our Performance. By interacting with co-creators, we continuously develop our Performance.


The events of the last years were drastic for our contacts and our behavior during encounters. At first, they completely called our contact into question. Afterwards, we redefined it digitally and analogously as harmless approach rituals. Also, our contact with our surroundings undergoes a substantial transformation. The impact of nature, buildings and rooms, the material side as well as the interaction between humans and non human creatures is under question. What is our role in this world of climate and other changes that we as humans cause? How does all this reflect in our encounters?

Working as a trans-disciplinary team

Anne Mégier (dance, performance) and Katja Teuchmann (media and cultural work) and Johanna Tatzgern (visual artist) have been working together on this subject. In our joint work, we combine Performance, art, culture and media work: we research movements and rituals; we analyze and conduct interviews; we collect (objects) materials and stories; we create an audio – visual documentation;

Anne Mégier
Johanna Tatzgern
Katja Teuchmann